Foucault's Pendulum
Posted on by Jeff
Condie Rice vs. B. Boxer - Where was Don King? He should have done the talking head spot after the Senate Foreign Relations sham hearing today. Seriously he made some great points in a little candid spot during last summer's RNC. I guess Rice had better odds than Payton "Cut The Meat" Manning did against the Patriots. Anyway wish I could sit around all day at work with CSPAN on instead of catching morsels like Rice slamming Boxer for TKO on AM radio...
I went to MOSH with Wally, Dennis, Zach, and E.R last Saturday afternoon. They had a F.P. and I needed to look up the following quote from Umberto Eco:
..and that together we were rotating beneath the Pendulum, whose own plane never
changed direction, because up there, along the infinite extrapolation of its
wire beyond the choir ceiling, up toward the most distant galaxies, lay the Only
Fixed Point in the universe, eternally unmoving.
posted by Jeff @ 8:43 PM