monadServ guts
Posted on
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
by Jeff
Here's the guts of my monadServ json based web app framework.
runRequest' :: String -> String -> st -> InternalServerState st bst -> Maybe String -> IO (String,st)
runRequest' rqBody u st iss@(InternalServerState {backendState = bst, config = config', backendService = bservice}) mfunction = do
runSrv st (outputString bservice bst Nothing) (beforePrompt config')
case lookup u (serverCommands config') of
Just f -> executeCommand u st f
Nothing -> serveContent u st
where executeCommand url' st' f = do
runSrv st' (outputString bservice bst Nothing) (srvPutStrLn $ "--- url[" ++ url' ++ "]")
let parseResult= JSON.parse rqBody
(st'', x) <- runSrvSpecial st' parseResult (outputString bservice bst Nothing) (f config')
case x of
Just res -> do
let parseResult = renderStyle (style {mode=OneLineMode}) (JSON.toDoc res)
parseResult' = case mfunction of
Just function -> function ++"("++parseResult ++");"
Nothing -> parseResult
runSrv st' (outputString bservice bst Nothing) (srvPutStrLn parseResult')
return (parseResult', st'')
Nothing -> do
let result = " returns no JSON Object."
runSrv st' (outputString bservice bst Nothing) (srvPutStrLn $ "::" ++ result)
return (result, st'')
serveContent url' st' = do
runSrv st' (outputString bservice bst Nothing) (srvPutStrLn $ " [" ++ "OP" ++"] " ++ url' ++ " --" )
let fileName= docRoot config' ++ url'
exists <- doesFileExist (fileName)
if exists
then do
let (mimetype,binary)= case DataMap.lookup (getExtension url') mimeMapping of
Nothing -> ("text/plain",False)
Just (s,b) -> (s,b)
if binary
then do
result <- ByteString.readFile (fileName)
-- (encode (unpackList result))
-- writeContent handle mimetype (octetsToString (unpackList result)) False
--writeContent handle mimetype (octetsToString (unpack result)) False
return ( octetsToString (unpack result), st')
else do
result <- System.IO.readFile (fileName)
return (result,st')
else do
return ("404 Not FOUND",st')
posted by Jeff @ 2:13 PM